Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Effective Way In Cleaning Your Car Interior

Wear and tear is part of owning a car. In fact, cars go through so much as it is being used to regardless of the weather and road condition. Sometimes, if the driver is not careful, it can even hit holes, rocks and potholes. Eventually the day will come when you need to bring in your car for repair or have some parts replaced.

Car maintenance would almost always mean tune ups, change oil, transmission change, tire alignment and others. But no one considers auto mat cleaning as part of car maintenance.

Auto mats are one of the most neglected parts of a car's interior. It is in fact the dirtiest and most worn out because of the dirt, mud, grimes and garbage brought about by dirty shoes and even pets.

Some car owners can live with it though.

If you are one of those car owners who cannot live with dirty and foul smelling interior, you can do something about it. You don't have to change the entire car matting neither spend a single dime just to achieve a clean carpeting. In fact, with simple steps, you can already effectively clean it.

Before anything else, start by disconnecting your car battery to save battery life while you leave the car doors open. Take out the auto mats. In a bucket, mix water with shampoo used in your home. You can use upholstery shampoo.

With the shampoo mixture, scrub the car mats thoroughly. Wash with clean water and let it dry. While waiting for it to dry, vacuum the car seats especially the folds where many dirt hides. Vacuum the whole carpet area; repeating it several times.

Then, take the scrub and shampoo the interior until you see dirt and rocks coming off. Do this several times alternating it with having the vacuum go over it. You will be pleasantly surprise with how clean and fresh your car interior is after cleaning it.

Lee have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for pickup truck accessories and great passion and knowledge for custom auto accessories and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here enjoythedrive.com

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